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Curtis Calls Delrin X 4500x Blue

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In 1998 a sound and a call company was born in a 12'x12' call "shop" in the back yard of a Monette, Arkansas home. It was there that Randall Floyd, the then owner and creator of Acoustic Duck Calls, took Christian under his wing and taught him the art...taught him the craft of making an original duck call from a simple block of wood. Randall took pride in the fact that every call sounded different when it came off his jig. This mainly depended on the number of "Buschwhackers" he had partaken of when it came time to jig the call. Lots of lessons were learned in that shop, many of which Christian carries today. Most importantly, Christian has stayed true to the sound and style that he and Randall created all those years ago. After all, since the beginning of time the mallard duck has sounded the same, right? Christian and Randall wanted to recreate that sound...get as close as humanly possible to that EXACT sound. Plain and simple The Signature model is that. The exact same call realized in 1998, a stones throw from the St. Francis river bottoms in Northeast Arkansas. The truest of realistic duck tones and sounds with just the right amount of hold creating that natural "whine" we as hunters love to produce just sounds freaking real. After ultimately selling Timbre Call Company to RNT Calls, Christian stepped away from the call business. About 10 years ago he again got the itch for the craft. While he was gone though, the world had changed. People (not ducks) seemed to want a louder call. After much resistance, Christian relented and obliged. Along came the X Model. With ZERO sacrifice on sound or feeling, Christian created a twin brother to the Signature only with a moderately louder voice. That's the only difference. Period.


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