Kyle Barefield, hunting expert and co-host of TV's All Things Hunting, explains how to strategically position your deer feeder to offer you the best opportunities to snag the big bucks from your tree stand.
1. First, before placing your tree stand or feeder, know the lay of the land. Understand where the deer are bedding and where their natural food sources are located on the property. Learn what paths that they travel to go from bedding to the food and what times of day. (You may do well to install some trail cameras to help gather this intel.)
2. Once the deer’s patterns have been mapped out, you will be able to determine the best spot downwind and cover wise to place your stand. And from there, where to place your feeder to attract the deer during their travels between home base and their food. In Kyle’s case, he is able to place a Moultrie Elite feeder between where the deer bed across the river to the northeast of his stand and the wheat fields where they feed southwest of the stand. He locates the feeder in staging are where the brush is a little thicker than the feeding area and bucks feel a little more comfortable in the daytime.
3. The proper placement of the feeder draws the bucks in and give Kyle a shot from the tree stand.
Before you go, be sure to check out our large selection of feeders, stands and blinds.