Many people dedicate a lot more time and research into what types of firearms and ammunition to buy than they do to how to safely store and protect them. Really, gun safes should be given just as much consideration because you will be counting on this equipment to safeguard your guns, bullets, and the people’s lives you value most.
Proper use of gun safes prevents your firearms and shooting supplies from falling into the wrong hands during a burglary or from being accessed by a child improperly.
Gun safes can also offer degrees of protection against water and fire damage.
Quality Construction Matters
Look for gun safes that are made of heavy-duty gauge steel for both body and door. Consider safes that offer built in pry resistance and no easy access to door hinges. Pay close attention to bolts/locking mechanisms as the more robust, the better.
Also, fire resistance ratings and added protection against scraps and bumping such as linings and padding are important.
Pay Careful Attention To Gun Safe Size
If you have just a handgun or two to store, a boltable model such as the GunVault MultiVault Security Safe may work well for you.
For a multiple gun collection that includes rifles and/or shotguns, a larger standing safe such as a Liberty Gun Safe is in order. These safes are substantial larger and heavier than the handgun safes.
Locking Mechanisms
You can find a variety of different locks on gun safes. Some are constructed with the good old fashion mechanicals locks/hand dial locks, but many now come with electronic locks.
Electronic locks can be quicker to open, but do require yearly battery switch outs. Mechanical locks take a bit more time, but are the types of locks that tend to last for many years. A lot of the decision on locks boils down to preference.
Finally, consider whether you plan to use your safe for only gun-related storage or will also be using it to store important papers and household valuables when determining size and storage features such as shelves, jewelry drawers, built in dehumidifiers, etc…
Some of the most recognizable brands in gun safes include Browning, Champion Safe, GunVault, Liberty Safe, and Rhino Metals. Check out a wide selection of these lines online at Simmons Sporting Goods. Also, feel free to call us at 1-800-726-9930 to speak to an expert who can personally answer your gun safe questions.